Couples Counseling

Work for your relationship

Couples Counseling

There are things you can't work on in a vacuum of isolation and self-improvement but can only learn through the struggle of intentional practice in your most intimate relationship.

Wish your spouse would just understand you? Struggling with miscommuncation, dysfuntional arguments, reactivity, and wounds?

Couples seek out counseling for their marriage or relationship because they feel discouraged about their struggles and have not yet been effective in coordinating with each other effectively to get through issues that arise.

If you are hoping to bring in your spouse and point out their problems, I will say now that your need to blame is in the way of your progress but your need to be heard and understood can be utilized as you learn more effective communication skills. This is not about blame, fault finding, and right vs wrong. If you are willing to let go of being right or being wronged, you are ready for this humbling work to build a strong self and strong companionship of cooperation.

Change without acceptance is control, and acceptance without change is coddling. My aim is to help you step out of the framework of blame and shame and more fully develop into security with yourself and maturity in a relationship to facilitate both acceptance and change.